Whenever you obtain a new hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, your account is set up and as automated as the whole process may be, there're always little things that are handled manually. For your virtual or a dedicated server there are even more things to be done since these types of hosting generally require a manual setup, software installation and configuration, checking the server setting to make sure that all things are working the way it should, etc. To cover the cost for the time and efforts these duties take, many companies require a one-time installation cost to be paid by their customers on top of the charge for the hosting. The charge in most cases applies to any new website hosting account being acquired and it's rarely listed on the company’s website, yet it shows up on your checkout page.
Setup Fee in Hosting
When you get a hosting package from our company, the final price that you need to pay during the checkout is identical to the price you have already viewed on the home page or on every other page on our website. The payment processing as well as the account creation on our state-of-the-art cloud hosting system are close to completely automated, that's why we believe that charging you any installation costs will be very unreasonable. Even if you get several accounts at a time, you won't have to spend anything for the installation or for any other kind of concealed costs for that matter. It is our concept that being honest with each customer since the beginning is much more valuable than obtaining a few more dollars.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you buy a semi-dedicated server package from us, your first payment will be identical to all the renewal payments for the subsequent months. We don't have any installation fees, or any concealed charges of any type, for that matter. We respect a business relationship based on mutual trust much more than a couple of additional dollars, that's why even if you have a shared hosting plan here and you'd like to move all of your content to a new semi-dedicated server, so as to have a more powerful hosting alternative, we will do everything for you at no extra charge apart from the regular monthly charge for your new package. The installation of a semi-dedicated account is nearly entirely automated, so we consider that charging you something for that would not be justified.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Hosting
When you get a dedicated server from us, all you'll need to pay will be the standard monthly fee for the plan. We shall put together the hardware that you've chosen through the signup, we'll install an OS, web server, website hosting Control Panel as well as all the other software that is provided with our plans, then test the equipment, but we will never require you to pay anything additional for that. The price of the dedicated server you pick will always be exactly the same - on the front page, on the order page and through your payment process, and there are no concealed charges of any type. If you acquire a dedicated server using the Hepsia control panel and you already have a shared hosting account from us, we can transfer all of your information - again at no extra cost.