Memcached is an object caching system, which is used to increase the load speed of database-powered sites by caching the requests and the replies between the website visitor and the server. Simply put, anytime a specific page on such a site is requested, the script queries its database to request the info that should be shown to the website visitor. If the latter clicks a hyperlink to open some other page, the entire operation is repeated and this generates plenty of database calls and excessive server load, even more so if the site has a lot of concurrent visitors. Memcached "memorizes" this exchange of information, so in case any of these web pages is opened again, the script no longer needs to pull any content from the database, since everything is delivered by the Memcached platform. In this way, the overall load speed of your site will increase and you’ll have more pleased visitors and they’ll be able to surf through your website faster. Also, Memcached updates its cache whenever any content in the database is updated, so the visitors will never end up seeing out-of-date content.
Memcached in Hosting
Memcached is available as an upgrade with each and every hosting plan offered by our company and in case you wish to use it for any script-powered Internet site that you host on our avant-garde cloud web hosting platform, you’ll be able to activate it in several easy steps through your Hepsia Control Panel. In the meantime, you will be offered the option to upgrade two separate features – the instances and the memory. The first one has to do with the number of the sites that can use Memcached at the same time, so if you need it for several Internet sites, you can order a handful of instances. The second one has to do with the maximum amount of memory that the system will be able to use in order to cache information, so for a lot of websites (or for one resource-requiring site), you should get more memory for better results. The memory is offered in increments of 16 MB and more memory can be added at any time. With Memcached, any script-powered site hosted on our cloud servers will open lightning-fast.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You can get the Memcached memory caching system as an optional upgrade with all our Linux semi-dedicated hosting and since it works with any script-based software app, you can use it for every Internet site that you host on our semi-dedicated servers, regardless of what app you have used – WordPress, Joomla or Mambo, a custom-developed one, etc. You can order the upgrade from the respective section of the Hepsia Control Panel from which you administer your semi-dedicated server account, and you can choose two separate features – the number of instances and the amount of memory that they will use. To put it in simple terms, these things indicate the number of the websites that will use Memcached and the total amount of system memory that the system will be able to use in order to cache your info. The two things are offered separately for more freedom and one instance does not come bundled with a fixed amount of memory. You can use Memcached with any kind of site and both you and the website visitors will quickly detect the difference in the performance.
Memcached in Dedicated Hosting
You can take advantage of the full potential of Memcached with each and every dedicated server offered by us in case you pick Hepsia as your Control Panel. A section in it is dedicated to the content caching system and you can begin using Memcached for any website hosted on the dedicated server with just a few clicks. You can improve the overall performance of any website, regardless of what script-powered software app you’re using or how popular the website is, since the minimum amount of memory that Memcached will be able to use is 3 gigabytes and this amount increases tremendously with the more powerful dedicated servers. Shortly after the caching system is enabled, it will begin caching information anytime somebody opens your site, so, once sufficient content has been stored, you’ll see the lowered server load and the enhanced overall performance of your website. Memcached is being used by a lot of websites, among them popular portals such as Zynga, Wikipedia and Reddit, which confirms the efficiency of the caching system.